Trans Admissions Policies at Historically Women’s Colleges and Men’s Colleges

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Trans-Supportive Campus Policies

Trans Admissions Policies at Historically Women’s Colleges and Men’s Colleges

Developed by Dr. Genny Beemyn – Last updated 8/28/24

Beginning in the 2010s, historically gendered colleges and universities have developed policies on the admission and graduation of trans and nonbinary students. Many of these policies are publicly available and are documented below. In a few cases, policies were indicated through personal communication with Genny Beemyn.

23 historically women’s colleges with policies that permit the admission of at least some trans students

Agnes Scott College: admits “students who were assigned female at birth, as well as those who were assigned male or female at birth, but who now identify as female, transgender, agender, gender fluid or non-binary.”

Alverno College: admits “students who live and identify as female regardless of biological sex” and students assigned female at birth “who identify as non-binary or gender non-conforming.” “Students who begin their college experience at Alverno identifying as female but at some time begin identifying as male, non-binary or gender non-conforming are invited to remain enrolled through graduation.”

Barnard College: “will consider for admission those applicants who consistently live and identify as women, regardless of the gender assigned to them at birth.” Applicants assigned female at birth who identify as male, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming are not eligible for admission. Individuals assigned female at birth who self-identify as men or as nonbinary while at the institution are able to continue to earn a degree there.

Bay Path University: “welcome[s] applications from any qualified student who was born female or who identifies as a woman.”

Bennett College: “admits self-identified women and people assigned female at birth who do not fit into the gender binary . . . Bennett College does not accept applications from men. Those assigned female at birth who identify as men are not eligible for admission.” (The college no longer includes its trans admissions policy on its website, but when it was listed, the policy included the statement above.)

Bryn Mawr College: accepts applications from “all individuals who have identified and continue to identify as women (including cisgender and trans women), intersex individuals who do not identify as male, individuals assigned female at birth who have not taken medical or legal steps to identify as male, and individuals assigned female at birth who do not identify within the gender binary.” Individuals assigned female at birth who self-identify as men while at the institution are able to continue to earn a degree there.

Cedar Crest College: “Applicants to the traditional undergraduate program who self-identify as women are eligible to apply for admission. We do not require government issued or medical documentation for purposes of identifying an applicant’s gender identity. Once admitted, a student who completes the College’s baccalaureate requirements will be awarded a Cedar Crest degree regardless of gender identity or expression.”

College of Saint Benedict: “will consider for undergraduate admission those applicants who were assigned female at birth as well as those who were assigned male or female at birth but now consistently live and identify as female, transgender, gender fluid or nonbinary. . . . This admission policy does not affect students who transition while enrolled at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. Once admitted, every student will receive the individualized support that is an essential part of the Saint Ben’s and Saint John’s experience.”

College of Saint Mary: accepts applications from individuals who identify as women, regardless of the gender assigned to them at birth (personal communication with Genny Beemyn, 12/7/21).

Hollins College: “will consider for admission those applicants who consistently live and identify as women, regardless of the gender assigned to them at birth. Enrolled students who transition during their time at Hollins may graduate.” Nonbinary and trans men students are not eligible for admission.

Moore College of Art & Design: “Undergraduate admission is open to otherwise qualified applicants: (i) assigned female at birth; or (ii) who self-identify as women, trans women, non-binary, or gender-nonconforming individuals, at the time of application.”

Mount Holyoke College: “As a women’s college that is gender diverse, we welcome applications from female, transgender and nonbinary students” (i.e., it will consider anyone, except someone who is assigned male and who identifies as male).

Mount Mary University: “At the undergraduate level, all individuals who identify as women (including cisgender and transgender women), intersex individuals who do not identify as male, and non-binary individuals are eligible for admission to MMU. . . . Once admitted, the University will continue to support students regardless of changes in their gender identity and/or gender expression.”

St. Catherine University: “will continue to consider all individuals who identify as women for admission to our undergraduate College for Women regardless of gender assigned at birth, as well as non-binary and genderqueer students . . . Should a student undergo gender transition while enrolled in the College for Women, individualized support and resources are available to assist that student in discerning best options for degree attainment. The student will be welcome to remain in the College for Women.”

Salem College: “admits students who were assigned female at birth or identify as a woman.”

Scripps College: “will consider all applicants who indicate their legal sex as female submitted through the Common Application, in addition to applicants who self-identify as women. Therefore, an applicant who indicates legal sex as male or X and self-identifies as a woman is eligible to be considered for admission. Applicants who indicated their legal sex as male or X submitted through the Common Application and who do not identify as a woman are not eligible to be considered for admission. Scripps does not require government-issued documentation to verify sex or gender identity.” Individuals assigned female at birth who self-identify as men while at the institution are able to continue to earn a degree there.

Simmons College: “considers as eligible to apply for admission to the undergraduate program individuals who were assigned female at birth, applicants who consistently live and identify as women, and/or applicants who do not fit into the gender binary but who feel they belong in our undergraduate community of women. . . . Once enrolled, any student who completes the University’s baccalaureate requirements will be awarded a Simmons degree regardless of gender identity or expression.”

Smith College: “People who identify as women—cis, trans and nonbinary women—are eligible to apply to Smith.” Individuals assigned female at birth who self-identify as men while at the institution are able to continue to earn a degree there.

Spelman College: “will consider for admission women students, including students who consistently live and self-identify as women, regardless of their gender assignment at birth  . . . Spelman does not admit male students, including students who self-identify and live consistently as men, regardless of gender assignment at birth. . . . Once admitted, any student who fulfills the College’s graduation requirements — regardless of gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation — will be awarded a Spelman degree.”

Stephens College: will “admit and enroll students who were not born female, but who identify and live as women; those students will need to provide legal documentation that they are legally women or that they are transitioning to female.” “The College will also continue to admit and enroll students who were born female but who identify as nonbinary.”

Trinity Washington University: trans women are considered for admissions to its women’s college, the College of Arts and Sciences (personal communication with Genny Beemyn, 2/8/24).

Wellesley College: “will consider for admission any applicant who lives as a woman and consistently identifies as a woman; therefore, candidates assigned male at birth who identify as women are eligible to apply for admission. Those assigned female at birth who identify as men are not eligible for consideration for admission.” Individuals assigned female at birth who identify as nonbinary are eligible to apply if they “feel they belong in our community of women.” Individuals assigned female at birth who self-identify as men while at the institution are able to continue to earn a degree there.

Wesleyan College: “will consider for admission all applicants who live and identify as women, regardless of biological sex, or who were assigned female at birth and identify as nonbinary or gender non-conforming if they feel they belong at a women’s college. Application materials must support this self-identification, and admission counselors will help guide prospective students who need assistance with this process. Once admitted, the College will support all students regardless of changes in their gender identity and/or gender expression.”  Students who transition “may continue their education at Wesleyan with the full support of the College.” 

3 historically women’s colleges with policies that prevent most or all trans women from being admitted

Cottey College: “As a women’s institution, Cottey College considers for admission those applicants who indicate a legally-assigned sex of female on their application.”

Saint Mary’s College: After deciding to admit trans women in 2024, the college reversed its decision when faced with a backlash from conservative Catholics. It is the only Catholic affiliated women’s college not to consider trans women for admission.

Sweet Briar College: “An applicant is qualified for admission if she confirms that her sex assigned at birth is female and that she consistently lives and identifies as a woman.”

In addition, Meredith College does not indicate its policy toward trans students, but likely discriminates against trans women applicants because it does not include “gender identity” in its nondiscrimination policy.

2 historically women’s colleges with policies that explicitly ban trans men from remaining at the institution

Bennett College: “If a student decides to self-identify as a male, the student will no longer be eligible to receive a degree from the College.” (The college no longer includes its trans admissions policy on its website, but when it was listed, the policy included the statement above.)

Stephens College: “the College will stop admitting and enrolling students who were born female but who now identify as men or who are transitioning from female to male. . . . A student whose sex or gender identity transitions after enrollment such that it is no longer consistent with the College’s policies will be allowed to remain at the institution only to complete the current semester. Evidence of such transition may include self-identification as a man; change of legal name with the intent of identifying as a man; or physical transition to male associated with hormone therapy or a surgical process.”

2 historically men’s colleges with policies on the admission of trans students

Morehouse College: “individuals who self-identify as men, regardless of the sex assigned to them at birth, [will] be considered for admission.” “Once admitted to the College, all students are expected to self-identify as men throughout their education at Morehouse. If a student transitions from a man to a woman, that student will no longer be eligible to matriculate at Morehouse. Exemptions from this rule may be granted by a three-person committee appointed by the President after a written appeal is submitted by the student. In the event that the impacted student disagrees with the decision of the committee, the student may make a final appeal to the President of Morehouse. Trans women, or individuals who identify as women regardless of the sex assigned to them at birth, will not be considered for admission.”

Saint John’s University: “will consider for undergraduate admission those applicants who were assigned male at birth as well as those who were assigned female or male at birth but now consistently live and identify as male, transgender, gender fluid or nonbinary. . . . This admission policy does not affect students who transition while enrolled at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. Once admitted, every student will receive the individualized support that is an essential part of the Saint Ben’s and Saint John’s experience.”